August 2014
"I am confident in who God made me, but certain I couldn't do this life ~ or be brave ~ on my own".
~ Annie Downs
My right mind tells me that God Will. Not. Leave. Me. That I'll be ok, that I can do this. I just don't WANT to do this!
I was certain it was THE time when the call came. It was late Sat. night & I had been home from the hospital an hour & had dozed off to sleep along side my sweet little bodies who had been waiting up for me. Their enthusiastic "hello" desperate to wash away the pain & anguish that was taking its tole on my body was refreshing yet honestly, this was a job that could only be accomplished by Gods so graceful hands. Upon every arrival through the doors of our home found the promise of love, safety & among many other things HUGS! The kind that doesn't let urgent need is to change, take a shower & truly rid myself of the day before giving way to what I needed so desperately. Reminds me of the old commercial "shampoo, rinse, repeat...". A special friend in Tyler, TX shared this story with me after my accident/knee surgery a few years ago...I really like it...
"There are going to be bad days during this journey...days when the pain is more than you can bear. Days when the sadness seems to be a low flying cloud that is sitting on top of you...days you just need to cry!" She says, "don't fight it! Fill the tub full of warm water & get in. CRY your eyes out & have the biggest pity party, cry as long as the water is warm. When the water cools, start pulling yourself back together. Open the drain & stay sitting in the tub until the last bit of water is gone & let everything go down the drain with the water...Get out, dry your eyes, dry yourself & get back in the fight!"
I've never been a "It could be worse" person, so hearing this sounded fitting because for me this sort of thing works, it doesn't erase the facts, it doesn't lessen the anguish, the heart broken & destroyed...for me I need to get things out, give way so that I can push forward & fight some more. At this point however, I'd be beyond pruned! I do not believe we should wallow, however I strongly believe everyone deserves the right to feel what they are feeling, validate what's happening & respect the pain so that you CAN get back in there & fight another day!
We were shocked to come around the corner that early Sunday morning to be greeted by moms nurse Melanie, relief in her eyes she says "I am so sorry to have called so late but it was looking dim, her condition rapidly worsened & I didn't think we...we were able to stabilize her just in the last 10 min..." Pretty sure Kay & I were white as a ghost with bright red tired eyes...Melanie fill me in, let me know the plan for the rest of the night & pull some chairs for us to try & find rest in what little they had to offer. It was a long morning of treatments, adjustment "buzzing around" as mom would say ~ she didn't like "buzzing". Around 4 am they moved her, with great difficulty as she simply refused to stay consistently stable, long enough to move to the room we had been waiting for in Surgical ICU. They were forced to bag her the whole way...The "buzzing" like a well oiled machine, activity of nurses who continue to amaze & function solely on experience & knowledge ~ teamwork AND clearly friendship only one can fashion in such an environment. I found laughter watching them take over for Melanie who was rapidly trying to "chart". so much reporting to take care of in order to move her to her new room ~ teamwork. So efficient yet comical in nature, appropriately in this kind general way that mom would have LOVED if she weren't under paralytic control, medications & tubes...tho she just may have enjoyed those voices for all we know!
Mom's rapid transportation to "the towers" beat Kay & I by a long shot, so grateful I was by their quickness & ability to function under such intense emergent circumstances...the room in the new hospital took my breath away & begged for the ability to go back in time, change reminiscent of June 17th, the beginning of this journey, exhaustion like nothing I had ever experienced was setting in & taking over. The ability to truly process way bigger than my brain could wrap around. I had no choice but to give way even if just for a quick moment to knock the edge off. I resided there bedside, Kay side in yet another all too familiar hospital recliner. By 7 a.m. The team made their appearance, pure fatigue in their eyes too yet not missing a beat or leaving any stone unturned. Chest tubes needed, 2 chest tubes needed to be inserted in hopes that her condition, which had rapidly gone from bad to worse, could be turned around. All efforts were being made but it just wasn't working in our favor.
It wasn't to be that 3rd day in August. 7 days ago today my worst nightmare became a reality. By 7 a.m. The team arrived ready to stay the course, leave no stone unturned but the fact was, her condition had gone from bad to worse & we were loosing ground...she had maxed out 4 pressures (blood pressure meds) as well as the vent on 100% oxygen with stats dropping. It was obvious that IF something miraculous were to happen & she could make a positive turn, her quality of life wouldn't be what she had wanted, at least not for a vary long time.
I have been in the position of making life or death decisions during this journey 1 too many fear was being faced with another, THE biggest of them all... I prayed that God would spare me, that mom would spare me...that His will would be done...and it ultimately was.
Before Chris could get there the nurse came in & let me know that she was really slowing down & she didn't think it would be much longer. She urged me to come be with her...there I stood holding her swollen hand...she looked nothing like mom, that bright smile & sparkle BUT peaceful nestled beneath the puffy "bear huger" (inflatable blanket to keep her warm & bring her temp up) like a bird nesting safely with its mama. I began to talk, thanking her repetitively for the amazing mother she had always been to me, reiterating as I often did that I would count myself the most blessed if I could even be a quarter of the woman, mother & friend she has always been to me...I asked her to watch over me, guide me & help me to be a better wife & mom...we shared some other things before one of the most special moments took flight. My sobbing lessened enough for me to compose myself & say, " listen,it's time... I want you to go now, take those magic knees & get up there! Go dance in the streets in heaven & show'em how it's done! Leave the pain behind & just go...I love you so's ok, you can go..." And just like that, she peacefully was gone.
"I am confident in who God made me, but certain I couldn't do this life ~ or be brave ~ on my own".
~ Annie Downs
I know that God will not give me more than I can handle...I know that HE alone will help me survive this no matter how excruciating, how impossible it feels nor the fact that at any given time I'm certain that I cannot take another breath...I have never missed my mother more, I've never wanted so badly to call her & tell her of my distress, my pain & know she will fix it...I know, she's always with me...but I need her literally with me...I don't want to do this... But guess what? I have to. So the tears will continue & the road will the the most treacherous yet, but by faith I will look to Him & latch on to His understanding & promise...
Your never ending love, support & prayers mean more than words can express. I need them now more than ever so please keep up the kindness as I face a long road of settling moms affairs once services are past & the dust begins to settle...I cannot thank each & every one of you enough & so hope I will have the opportunity to thank you in person! Much Love!