
Friday, November 28, 2014

A Proper Boat

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of ones soul remains unawakened."

I found this quote scribbled in mom's handwriting on a torn off piece of paper as I was looking through one of her really made me smile thinking back on her love of ALL of our pets throughout the years. Most recently mom was roommates with what was originally my cat Scotch. Chris had gone far & beyond the call of duty to ensure that I would be the proud parent of that beautiful kitten when we started dating well over 15 years ago. Mom & dad let Scotch come "stay" with them one fall & somehow she never came home! In the years to follow she offered mom great companionship & comfort. We often joked at how she must sound conversating with Scotch in her apartment as if she were a person! The truth is, our pets offer far more enjoyment & security to our lives than we may give them credit for. Scotches oh so full & happy life sadly came to an end last spring which was difficult for mom but the idea of Scotch suffering would have been way harder on her. I can only imagine the reunion mom is having with ol Scotch girl now!

There is no doubt in my mind that God was an animal lover...There are around 120 different species of animals that are mentioned in the bible, I'm sure even more? In the story of Noah's Ark, God's heart had been filled with grief & pain over the earths corruption, man's wicked, evil ways which was His reasoning for bringing on the flood, to destroy corruption man had brought on the earth HE created. God tells Noah, who was a man known among his peers to be blameless & righteous, He said "I am going to bring flood waters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish."... (Genesis)

As the holiday season has swept right in like the 60 mile an hour winds outside my window this morning, I have a chuckle at the annoyance of a song that has been stuck in my head for quite some time now. I have had a rather popular tune dancing about in my mind & when the song softly rang in my ears it "ah ha'd" me, so overwhelmingly stilled me as it played in last Sunday's church service, "...Bowing here I find my rest, without you I fall apart, you're the one that guides my heart..." Shaking my head looking up to the ceiling thinking to the Lord, constantly amazed at how well He knows me...both of us aware of the chorus that will soon fall in the pattern of lyrics and how significant those lyrics are...

"Lord, I need you, Oh, I need you, every hour I need you..."

The floods of worldly heartache & pain reek havoc on so many hearts this time of year, playing the "old records" of that which hangs the distorted decorations of times in the past that made our world look so different, times that have paved the road for our today and make up that which we will be our future experiences....

Many people find that the most joyous time of year is also a time when they feel most like they are the flood waters are rising faster than they can build a proper boat...In so many cases, this is a secret more people than not are keeping, wearing themselves out treading water, fearing their breath will be taken if their head should fall beneath the surface in a time where they should be singing praises of joy and thanksgiving. Would you believe that some of the seemingly happiest people, who often appear to be covered in strength, all put together, people are the most likely to be the ones most weighted down by the guilt, burden and the lonesome that comes during the holidays?

 " Lord, I need you, Oh, I need you, every hour I need you, my one defense, my righteousness, Oh, God how I need you..."

It's vital to remember the things that keep your boat afloat! By knowing the effort at which we struggle to keep OUR boats afloat, so can we relate to our brother who could use the help with their boat too! How the lonesome should lessen when going it "Two by Two"?!

 "Everyone is-in one way or another-fighting a hard battled....people for the most part, are doing the best they can with their resources and circumstances..."
~ Alexandra Stoddard

Let us be challenged to soften our hearts and be more forgiving of the hurts that threaten our boat, not only to that of others but more importantly, offer far more grace to ourselves!

" kind and patient with yourself...When you are struggling, be with loved ones who help you smile & laugh through your tears....Remember what heals you...know that others want to heal themselves too..." ~AS

What is it that brings the warmth into your heart? What is it that will make the holidays, the next hurdle more bearable? What warms your heart and eases your mind, covers your heart with peace and allows the love of another of Gods living souls to offer compassion and encouragement...what will help give YOU permission to offer it to yourself?

There are many a smiles, laughter & memories being made too during challenging times, reminiscing, comforting and encouraging are found...the miraculous found when people come together and love because that's what love does, it keeps on going...

It's ok to be sad or frightened by rough waters that may toss your boat about, BUT Gods promise is sure!

"But God remembered Noah & all the wild animals & livestock that were with him in the ark..."
 (Gen. 8:1)

The land became completely dry...

God said, "This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me & you & every living creature with you...I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me & the earth...never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life..." (Gen 9:12,13)

In the days before & after moms funeral there was talk of getting another dog. Blair had wanted a dog in the worst way & the time simply hadn't been right so she continued to ask & pray...It wasn't long after the services were over that we agreed the time was right, getting a dog would offer much light in a time of such darkness. I joked that mom sure must have hit the door running upon her arrival into heaven, she knew how much we wanted a dog & had so wanted one for us too!

As I look at Shiner with his silly, fun personality I feel Him constantly comfort me. Whether in Shiner's ability to always make us smile and laugh or when his sweet little face adorned with expressive eyebrows tilts in concern then carefully licks the tears from your checks as if to say, "it's ok please don't cry"...such a good puppy he has been, chewing only his own toys & learning all sorts of clever new dog tricks...of course he has a dogs number 1 quality of shaking that little nubby upon our arrival home and loving so unconditionally...relaxed by nature making him such a snuggle bug all to switch gears on a dime zipping and darting around the living room in his playful puppy way! If I could have a penny for every time I tell him, "mom would absolutely adore you, I mean just love you to bits!!".... I am picturing too of the remnance of moms red lipstick marks that would be left behind on shiners white mustache from the countless smooches she was known for offering her special canine companions! He comforts me.

"God sent angels down to earth in the form of dogs with notes saying don't judge, just love...they ate the notes but they keep trying to deliver the message"

So on this thankful day of days I set MY boat in the water in thanksgiving for so so much! For a mother who labored for me and helped fashion my own boat so that I would be prepared to sail it...NOT by myself but with those around me who love me and support me...with a mighty captain, His reminder of HOPE never far and His promises so true that it will be a beacon on one of my most difficult days.

"Lord, I need you, oh, I need you, every hour I need one request, my righteousness, oh, God how I NEED YOU..."

May your hearts be filled with love and thanksgiving on this day, keeping the memory and love of those who have impacted us SO greatly at the forefront of our minds at all times and may we reach out and touch the lives of those who are sad, hurting, feeling forgotten or needing to feel the precedence of love and comfort.

I cannot begin to express my thankfulness to you, to so many for your love and support as I continue on this journey without my mother. You encourage and lift me more than you could ever know!



I always love to hear your feedback and/or experiences so please feel free to share in the comment section below!

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